Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Sydney Movers Packers Privacy Policy

We have made this privacy statement regarding the base of our company and aim to stress our permanent and continuous commitment to the privacy of the information given by users visiting this website. Our company highly respects the privacy of the personal information you provide us. This notice explains our procedures for gathering and using the information we receive via this website. Our service provider, Sydney Movers Packers, complies with the National Privacy Principles under the Act of Australian Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) 2001.

We understand how valuable information is to you and how valuable you are to us; therefore, to enhance our level of protection for the user’s data, our privacy statement will help you comprehend how your information gets collected, used, and protected while using our site. This policy will be periodically reviewed concerning advancing technologies, the dynamics of conducting business, and customers’ requirements.

What information do we collect?

When you visit this website, you may provide us with two types of information: identify personal information collected with your consent when, for example, you provide information about yourself, and use information collected automatically as you and other users navigate the site.

Personal Information You Choose to Provide

Registration Information: We obtain your personal information when you subscribe to our services, goods, or newsletters.

Email Information: If you choose email communication with us, we will maintain a copy of the emails you send us with your email address and our response, if any. Electronic letters are treated like the other communications we have in preserving the information gathered through mail and telephones.

Web Site Use Information

Like many other commercial websites, our website employs a commonly used technology called cookies and web server log files to gather information about how our website is being used. Thus, cookies can store collected data for consumption within Global Reference Services and other related uses. Web server logs can include the date and time of the visits, which particular pages were accessed, and how much time was spent on the Global Reference Services website and other websites before and after visiting the Global Reference Services’ website.

How Do We Use the Information That You Provide to Us?

It is used for managing the general business and operations, fulfilling the requests or transactions made by users, such as processing payments, analyzing the usage of the service, marketing and promoting the service, developing the content and services of the site, and modifying the content, layout, services, and other services based on the personal information collected for any lawful purposes. All these uses enhance our site, help us understand your desires, and provide you with a more conducive site to browse.

It is used for managing the general business and operations, fulfilling the requests or transactions made by users, such as processing payments, analyzing the usage of the service, marketing and promoting the service, developing the content and services of the site, and modifying the content, layout, services, and other services based on the personal information collected for any lawful purposes. All these uses enhance our site, help us understand your desires, and provide you with a more conducive site to browse.

Moreover, this information may be reported to other people in aggregate form. Any information belonging to a client or any other party of business will not be divulged to anyone other than as may be permitted by law.

From time to time, the information obtained may also be used to inform you of relevant changes to our website, new services, and special offers that we believe would interest you. You may notify us anytime through the link in the newsletter that you no longer want to receive any of these offers.

What are Cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that a website sends to the computer that accesses it, which most frequently contains an identification number with no reference to the person. When you enter a website, the computer that hosts that site requests your permission to write this file in a space on your hard drive that it assigns for cookies. Every Web site can write to your browser (if your browser’s preferences permit it) a cookie to your computer, but (to ensure privacy), your browser then allows a Web site to read only the cookies it has placed on your computer, not those that another Web site might have written. Browsers typically accept cookies and generate them on visitors' computers without their consent. However, if you prefer not to receive cookies, you may inform Access Online and change your browser setting to turn off cookies. When we try to place the cookies and your browser is set to refuse them, it may reduce some parts of our site, which the users are looking at, in their efficiency. A cookie cannot gather any other information from your computer's hard disc or transmit a virus.

How Do We Use the Information We Collect from Cookies?

We use cookies to understand how our website is used and to make selections you’ve made as a visitor unique from those made by other visitors. Occasionally, we also employ cookies to ensure you do not have to sign in each time, even though it is for your protection. In consultation with our web server’s log files, cooking can help us ascertain the total number of visits to our website and the pages on which they are most often drawn. This assists in receiving feedback for improving the website and enhancing clients’ satisfaction. Cookies do not enable us to obtain details concerning you, and we intentionally do not store any details that your browser gave us in the cookies.

IP Addresses

IP addresses are necessary for your computer every time you switch on your computer and connect to the Internet. Every computer on a network is given an IP address, a unique number that other computers can use to identify your machine. The web server collects users’ IP addresses without any user interaction in demographic and profile data categorized under traffic data so that the data requested, such as web pages, may be forwarded to the user.

Sharing and Selling Information

Personal information such as first name, last name, address, email, and other personally identifiable information is not sold, traded, rented, or given to any third party except when processing transactions or offering services offered by the company.

How can you access and correct your information?

You may contact the usual address electronically to request that we let you know about you and the personal information we keep online and in our database, and we will delete all the records you submitted.

What About Legally Compelled Disclosure of Information?

We also maintain the client’s right to privacy, except when compelled by law to disclose this information when we believe that the law requires it or to protect our rights and property. Account information may also be made public if there are reasonable grounds to believe that doing so will enable us to identify, notify, or prosecute a user or group of users violating the terms of service or ensure the security of the company's customers and the general public.

What About Other Web Sites Linked to Our Web Site?

We do not take responsibility for the activities conducted by the Web sites that have links to our site or for the information provided on those websites. This occurs, especially when references to other websites are made and are intended to act as a source of valuable information for the users of our website. I kindly request that you recall that the privacy policy remains inoperative whenever you use a link to move from one website to another. Any other website you access or visit from our website, including any websites linked to or mentioned on our website, has its own policy and conditions. Please read those rules and policies before you continue.

Your Consent

Acknowledging our website implies that you have read our privacy policy and that we can use and collect your personal information as stated herein. The statements within this privacy policy apply to the current date. We make no warranties and hold no obligation regarding the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or supplementation of the data provided on this website in the future or regarding the availability of the data on this website. These statements remain valid even if this privacy policy is amended.

Our Commitment To Data Security

As a reminder, your information will be collected, retained, and retained/processed on the organization’s computers in Australia and the United States. The laws of holding personal data in Australia and the United States might be comparatively less stringent than those of your country of residence or citizenship. To protect against the improper disclosure of data, to ensure that data are accurate, and to guarantee that data are used properly, we have ensured strict physical, electronic, and managerial procedures have been instituted to protect and secure the information that may be collected online.


Users of this website can unsubscribe to stop receiving communications in the future. We will stop sending the specific messages after you unsubscribe, as soon as it is logistically possible.

A Special Note About Children

Children (under 18) are not permitted to use our services unattended, and we kindly request that they refrain from providing us with any personal information. You may only use this service with your parents' or guardians' consent and supervision if you are underage.

Acquisitions or Changes in Ownership

Your information would be regarded as one of the assets and might be transferred if the website (or a significant portion of its assets) were to be purchased.

Policy Modifications

This privacy policy may be modified from time to time. Users who have permitted us to do so will be notified via email if and when this privacy policy is changed. Any updates will be announced here, so please check back occasionally. Rest assured, though, that even if the privacy policy is altered in the future, we won't use the personal data you have provided to us in a way that materially deviates from it without first obtaining your permission.
